Profile of CEAR

CEAR Spanish Commission for Refugee Assistance
Since 1979 they have been working for refugees, stateless persons and migrants in vulnerable situations so that their rights are recognised and respected.
Description of the services: They offer a reception service for applicants and beneficiaries of: international protection; stateless persons, persons under the temporary protection regime in Spain. First reception at border posts and coverage of basic and urgent needs. Shelter for people in extremely vulnerable situations (women, single-parent families, minors or LGTBIQ+); Resettlement Programmes with social, health and psychological care.
They offer a reception service for applicants and beneficiaries of: international protection; stateless persons, persons under the temporary protection regime in Spain. First reception at border posts and coverage of basic and urgent needs. Shelter for people in extremely vulnerable situations (women, single-parent families, minors or LGTBIQ+); Resettlement Programmes with social, health and psychological care.

Work Areas
Work Areas
Contact Information
Main headquarters address
Paseo Paseo de la Conferencia, 9 , 1ª planta - 11207 Algeciras, Cádiz