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Asociación Nakera Romí
Legally constituted in 1995, this association has become a reference point in the municipality of Linares due to its strong connection with Roma families living in the areas of Los Junquillos and La A...
AFA- Huelva
It was set up in 1996 to improve the quality of life of people suffering from Alzheimer's and their families, helping them to cope with the impact of the disease, offering them information, training a...
- migrants
Fundación Cepaim es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja desde 1994 por la convivencia y la cohesión social.
Cepaim se constituyó el 5 de mayo de 1994, como Consorcio de Entidades para la Acció...
It improves the quality of life of polio victims.
Collaborates with entities, groups and institutions in the elimination of barriers.
Integration work in society, helping to achieve independence in the workplace for people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion. It was born in the city of Malaga on the 10th of June 2004.
- migrants
Andalucía Acoge
The Andalucía Acoge Federation was founded in 1991 to provide a more effective and comprehensive response to the then incipient phenomenon of immigration, and has set itself the fundamental objective ...
- childhood and adolescencemigrantshomeless people+2
Defence of fundamental rights, care and support for people who are in a situation or at risk of social exclusion.
- womenLGBTIQ+
Since 1979 they have been working for refugees, stateless persons and migrants in vulnerable situations so that their rights are recognised and respected.
- migrants
Fundación Marcelino Champagnat
The Marcellin Champagnat Foundation is a non-profit organisation at national level, promoted and encouraged by the Congregation of the Marist Brothers to channel and support the socio-educational proj...
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ANDALUCÍA SOCIAL, catálogo de servicios que ofrece el tejido asociativo andaluz.
El mapa andaluz de la solidaridad donde puedes geolocalizar servicios y recursos que ofrecen
las ONGs andaluzas para colectivos vulnerables, disponible en 4 idiomas. Una apuesta para
impulsar una atención social territorializada, sostenible, equilibrada y de proximidad.
¡Por un acceso a los servicios equitativo para todas las personas que facilite la integración!
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